Just in time for the summer months, I was asked to discuss my experience dealing with teenage clients in my business. I explained to the panel of experts why respect is vital to understanding teenagers and communicating effectively with them.
According to the article, the four most important thing to keep in mind when dealing with teenage clients are:
1) Treat Teens as Equals. Give them the benefit of the doubt. Many teens have paying jobs, just as adult customers do. Don’t miss out of valuable opportunities to connect with younger clients.
2) Remain Empathetic. Keep high-quality customer service as your goal and seek to make their experience a positive one.
3) R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Drop your own tendencies to assume harsh judgements and teenagers will do the same with you. Treat them like adults and they’ll rise to the occasion.
4) Keep Cool. Even the toughest customers can become your most loyal followers if you refrain from blowing up in difficult situations. Approach situations with honesty, integrity, and world-class customer service. They payoffs are immense if you do so.
Read the Forbes article